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Interface: PostsExtension




Readonly postsV3: Object

Type declaration

incomingPostOwnerTransfer(subspaceId: Long, receiver: string, pagination?: PageRequest) => Promise<QueryIncomingPostOwnerTransferRequestsResponse>Queries incoming post owner transfer requests.
params() => Promise<Params>Queries the module params.
pollAnswers(subspaceId: Long, postId: Long, pollId: number, user?: string) => Promise<QueryPollAnswersResponse>Queries the answers for the given poll.
post(subspaceId: Long, postId: Long) => Promise<undefined | Post>Queries the post with the given id from the provided subspace.
postAttachments(subspaceId: Long, postId: Long) => Promise<QueryPostAttachmentsResponse>Queries the attachments for the given post.
sectionPosts(subspaceId: Long, sectionId: number, pagination?: PageRequest) => Promise<QuerySectionPostsResponse>Queries the posts for the given subspace section.
subspacePosts(subspaceId: Long, pagination?: PageRequest) => Promise<QuerySubspacePostsResponse>Queries the posts for the given subspace.

Defined in
